Final Week Reflection

This week we got to Finally read the last chapter of Shift by Em Bailey. From Start to half way i was hooked, the detail made me shiver. You could imagine it in your mind because it had gone into great detail.

Although I am frustrated!, the ending was an complete disaster. There are some questions that have not be answered and it drives me insane. The book needed a Climax, and than the book would be a great book. Seeing as Olive made up Ami, im not sure if the whole book is made up, and maybe she is in a coma and just imagining things.

I learnt that this book has an unreliable narrator. An unreliable narrator is when the character is telling the story is not completely correct due to problems with the characters mental state or maturity.This is what the book Shift has! It is possible one of the hardest book to read, when you have to stop chapters after chapters.

It is truly an amazing book, If you love Creepy books, than this is the book for you! I recommend this book for 12+.

Week 3 Reflection

I was completely intrigued when I read these chapters this week. I got chills down my spine when I read that Miranda was hanging out with Olive because I just know Miranda will find a way to get into Olives mind and stuff things up.

Lachlan is still my favourite character, no surprise there! He is such a lovely guy and now i especially like him now because he is Dallas Half brother!! I think there is something mysterious how Miranda can get into everything in town, knowing that she can be mysterious at times .

Katie dying was such a big surprise, but now that Miranda is hanging out with Olive its an even bigger surprise. I dont think they should be friends because Olive has said some really mean stuff about Miranda, also Miranda is not a good role model to Olive since Miranda killed Katie and her parents.

I cant wait to keep on reading since these next few chapters are the last. I hope it ends exciting and amazing. I really hope it doesn’t end with ‘ and than she woke up and it was all a dream’.

Discussion Director

Why do you think Miranda is acting strange all of a sudden after Katie died?

Would you go to Katie Memorial Service?

Would you ever ditch school with Miranda?

Would you ever sneak out at 10pm to go see your favorite band?

Would you let Miranda borrow your clothes?

How do you feel now that you know what happened with ‘the incident’?

Journal Entry 2

I now love this book! The Creepiness and mysterious hooked me. I didn’t want to put the book down! My face gasped and opened wide when I heard that Ami wasn’t real, and an even bigger surprise was the last sentence in the last chapter we could read, That Katie was dead.

I thought it would be just a book with the normal super natural scenes, but I was completely wrong it is totally different. My brain was completely confused and I was struggling to work out what was happening. The creepiest part I read was when they are in the cinemas, and Olive goes to give Katie an Ice cream because she is looking weak and not well, I wont give out to much information but it got creepier.

I still love Lachlan and his character even though there are no pictures of him, you can imagine his character in your mind, he has such a lovely personality. The things I’m still wanting to know are Why is she so afraid of the beach? and What is the incident? I cant wait to keep on reading this book, even though I am 100% scared and creeped out of my mind.

Week One Reflection

The first few chapters were alright, they were confusing. I found this book annoying, you would think the book is all figured out and then something would happen and your thoughts would be lost. I like Miranda because she is a mystery and really makes you want to find out more. Olive annoys me because she cannot understand that Lachlan likes her, and she keeps pushing him away. Miss Falippi is a bit weird, I dont think she is a drug addict from what Katie and Miranda are saying. Lachlan seems like a very sweet and nice guy and likes Olive but when Lachlan tries to tell her something nice she makes it seems like a negative.Although what I really love about in the book is how the book has Supernatural scenes, I am always interested about books that have a creepy and scary edge to it. I hope the book gets better because i cant wait to find out more about Miranda, and to see what she does next, I also hope Olive figures out Lachlan likes her and keeps on trying to tell her. We will have to wait and see… 


This week i was illustrator, i chose to draw the scene where Olive looks out the window and sees two figures, one of them is clear and the other blurry. I thought this was a good scene to draw because it showed how they had no idea who Miranda was and she was a bit mysterious.Photo on 30-04-2015 at 11.07 am